Art and Psychiatry!
August 27, 2023, 11 a.m., Spiez Castle
«Das war s. dann»
As always, the online gallery invites you to visit different museums, different exposures in France or Switzerland. Each of these excursions fulfills the purpose and the desire to take the majority of them with them around this cultural event. We offer you our professional expertise to talk about different topics, abstract art, sculpture… Take your chance!
In the end, the online gallery does not get any money for its participants. Entrance to the museum, transport and overnight stays (if necessary) are each subject to a separate fee and must be clarified with the relevant organizations.
«Real art is always there where you don’t expect it!» Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985)
The art exhibition in Spiez Castle allows you to immerse yourself in a world of images that, on the one hand, shows the power of creative design and, on the other hand, allows a glimpse into the history of the relationship between psychiatry and art.
In the last four years, people from the Wohin Spiez Foundation – an institution for people with mental disabilities – have regularly painted and drawn in and around the castle. A selection of the resulting images is the occasion and prelude to this year’s exhibition. Works by Adolf Wölfli, Rosa Marbach, Karl Schneeberger and others from the collection of the Swiss Psychiatric Museum in Bern complete the exhibition. Biographies and documentation provide an insight into everyday life at the psychiatric clinic in Waldau during the first half of the 20th century and shed light on the changes in the relationship between art and psychiatry beyond Swiss borders.
In addition, the Waldau art workshop presents the diversity of contemporary work by artists with psychiatric experience.
Around the exhibition
Spiez Castle
Schlossstrasse 16
3700 Spiez, Switzerland.
033 654 15 06
An exhibition project in cooperation with:
Where to Foundation, Spiez,
Psychiatric Museum Berne,
Association KunstWerkStatt Waldau.
Guided tour with the Wohin Foundation. The number of seats is limited. Write to Artemis Irenäus to follow up on this August 27th visit with her.
The online art gallery thanks

Sandra Howald, born 1975
Small path to the castle wall, 2021, mixed media on paper.

Spiez Castle.
You are an artist in one of the art schools (painting,sculpture,engraving,drawing,art photo).
Would you like to use our Swiss-French showcase, which is open 24 hours worldwide?
Write us.