Jean-Yann Mokodopo gb

Currently in 3rd year at the Beaux Arts de Versailles, Jean-Yann MOKODOPO specializes in drawing and painting. If he likes graphics research since its infancy, it is in the painting he practices since October 2012, he sharpens his own label: finger painting.

Become the spearhead of his message, the painting knew him free from A4 to shoot much larger formats, emancipate the end felt and pencil. It has an opening on the media and techniques. He explores a difficult field staff (finger painting) but has the benefit of always having its challenges and research that renews and keeps awake

Originally his goal was to go to war against a society that condemns touch. When someone wants to feel something, it is sometimes seen as someone childish, sometimes as a debauched. Thus Jean-Yann MOKODOPO decided to make paintings in relief. The consent has let the viewer feel his work to enrich their experience, it is not that visual. Something that is commonly prohibited in galleries or museums. Meanwhile, Jean-Yann MOKODOPO wants to create art for everyone, allowing the blind to interpret my paintings without the intervention of a third party by touching the rich canvas textures

However, recently, Jean-Yann MOKODOPO needle his research on the opposition forces that are reflected in his paintings. Already this before, he now puts the opposition on the front, watch the finger. So he plunges further into the essence of his subject. It will decrypt the complexity of the body being studied. He hears “complexity” by the plurality of forces that govern or composed. What is a gastropod? A soft body armor in a solid. The tree ? A figure torn between two speeds; the perceptible evolution of the leaves (with seasons) and imperceptible evolution of the tree trunk. The provision river remains the best available it is to speak of “opposing forces”

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