Guadalupe Daneri, from 1 to 8!

The Online Art Gallery welcomes the Argentinian artist Guadalupe Daneri, recommended by Alain Cabot.

From the outset, the work of Guadalupe Daneri is as much part of the craftsmanship of Art as the woven structure, finally seen as an Art in its own right since the great revolution of the Plastic Arts of the 1960s. Pop Art was born, the materials Commons were enveloped in a nobility, an aestheticism, and the Applied Arts, long seen as minor by an intellectual elite, finally saw their place recognized within the poetry of creativity. The spirit of forms took shape, a new development towards another artistic dimension.

Inevitably, visitors to our pages will tell us that Guadalupe Daneri’s work evokes clothing, fashion. The fabric can be both vertical and horizontal, suspended in space, worn on a frozen or living body. Everything is so fundamentally rich in terms of its relationship to matter, to this medium, that it is necessary to resort to other benchmarks to qualify it as close to this or that.
Guadalupe Daneri weaves in her own workshop, appropriates all the techniques of textile craftsmanship, with countless other possibilities, and we in the Koronin (Die Koronen) Online Art Gallery, we who create our own colors at bases of pigments, we who set up our own frames to paint and stretch our old-fashioned canvases with the strength of our hands, liked the approach of Guadalupe Daneri’s textile work.

Guadalupe Daneri confides to us: “The technique I use is the ‘eight frame loom’, that is to say the 8 frames, which allows you to work with the binary code from 1 to 8 by making combinations with numbers, positive and negative, infinity designs can be made. Origin of mathematics, also called in another time sacred mathematics”. You will be able to discover the rest of this precise approach on his page. This one is being created, it should be ready tomorrow, Artémis Irenäus and Philippe are working on it. Already this afternoon only the legends remain to be worn under the photos. We can’t wait to show you more, and we’ll be asking our artist to provide us with more photos and videos.

A final word: thank you, Alain Cabot.



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