Online gallery of contemporary art, legal information

Les Koronin, Online gallery of contemporary art
1 rue Picard, Village anglais / English Village
77340 Pontault-Combault France
Declared in the prefecture of Seine et Marne
Legal category 9220
SIRET: 804 936 771 00018 / SIREN: 804 939 771 (Préfecture Melun 77000)
RNA: W751125653 / APE 9499Z
Phone :, monday to friday from 9 to 18.

Editor: Online Gallery for Modern Art Les koronin

Morin Philippe (Publischer / Customer relationship / Painter) – France
Artemis Irenäus von Baste (Editor in chief  / Management of the web site / Painter) – Switzerland
Members of the editorial team: Konstanz von Hochbach (Editor) – SwitzerlandNatascha Vallelian  (Administrator) – Switzerland



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This site is published by The workshop Koronin, law 1901 association, artistic training . This site proposes the promotion of the association artists member production.

“Les Koronin” online contemporary art gallery, selling works of Art has officio members and advisory members to the CA. The ex officio members are made by the directors. The advisory members consist of our members. The advisory members participate in discussions, offer, but have no say in decisions at CA.


The online gallery adheres to the General Regulations on the Protection of Data of the European Union (RGPD) of May 25, 2018. The RGPD relates to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.


The publisher agrees to respect all the legislative process on the establishment and activity of a website. We invite you to read the information in this section. You agree that the following provisions govern access the site. “All reproduction, use or representation, full or partial screen pages, data and generally of any part of this site” by any means and on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited and constitutes, without prior written authorization online gallery of contemporary art “Les Koronin”, copyrght infringement.


This site is an informative site. It aims to promote artistic productions artists registered for drawings, paintings, sculptures. Nothing contained on the Site should possess or be interpreted as having contractual value. The information on the site is regularly updated and verified. Practical information must, however, be a direct audit of the association. All information on this site is exclusively indicative. All information contained on the website can be changed at any time without notice, for gallery online contemporary art “Les Koronin” if he considers thus better inform the site visitor. The online art gallery “Les Koronin” will not be held responsible for any decision taken or not on the basis of information contained on the site and would be subject to interpretation or use that may be made by a third party. This information can not be held responsible online gallery of contemporary art “Les Koronin”.

Despite all our proofreading of the site, computer imponderables related updates WordPress PHP language may escape our vigilance and, subsequently, to our desire to offer you a perfect website to meet your requirements clarity of information. Being neither web-designers or IT specialists – but visual artists – we try our best to avoid them.


Hyperlinks are set up within the site towards other resources on the Internet but also from those resources to the site. The online gallery contemporary art The Koronin not responsible for the content and the use made by any third party of the information contained on such other sites. Similarly, The Koronin accept no liability for the consequences related to technical failures in relation to these links. The contemporary art gallery online Online Koronin has an external blog . Blog This includes the activities of artistic training workshop The koronin


Act No. 2000-230 of 13 March 2000 on the adaptation of the law of evidence to information technologies and electronic signatures recognized in written electronically the same probative value as written on paper. The online art gallery The Koronin draw your attention to the consequences of sending electronic messages in terms of comply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.


This site and all its components whatsoever are the property of the Koronin association and are protected by copyright, right of intellectual property. The bases and / or data files are protected by special provisions introduced by Law No. 98-536 of 1 July 1998 on the legal protection of databases. It is forbidden to use them without formal prior authorization online gallery of contemporary art The Koronin. All pictures included in this site are property of the association and are therefore subject to copyright.

  • Intellectual property: French Copyright is the right of creators. The principle of the protection of copyright is laid down by Article L. 111-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property (CPI), which provides that “the author of an intellectual work shall enjoy in this work, the mere fact of its creation, an exclusive incorporeal property right enforceable against all. This right shall include attributes of an intellectual and moral as well as patrimonial attributes. “All of these rights is in the first part of the code of intellectual property including codifies the laws of 11 March 1957, from 3 July 1985, 1 August 2006, of 12 June 2009 and 28 October 2009. In its decision No. 2006-540 DC of 27 July 2006, the Constitutional Council considered that the intellectual property rights, including copyright and related rights, which fall under the property right is among the human rights enshrined by Article 2 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789. In case of infringement of his rights, the copyright owner has the infringement action that may be exercised before civil or administrative courts for redress, either in the criminal courts for criminal sanctions. Violation of copyright is constitutive of forgery punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros and three years imprisonment (CPI, art. L. 335-2 s.). The code of intellectual property infringement means all acts of unauthorized use of the work. In case of partial recovery in the latter, it is assessed based on the similarities between the works.The law criminalizes under the offense of counterfeiting:
    – “any reproduction, representation or circulation by any means whatsoever, of intellectual work in violation of the copyright, as defined and regulated by law” (CPI, art. L. 335-3).
    “flow [broadcast act by sale of counterfeit goods] , export and import of works” infringing ” “(ICC, art. L. 335.2 para. 3)

By the contact form .
By our Facebook pro.
The association does not sell supplies for artists. The association promotes no trip, no religion, no political group or related to psychology and other professions reserved for health professionals. If you received a proposal other than the promotion of the plastic work of artists enrolled in our gallery, mail or Internet, including whether the proposal appears to come from the association, please let us know in the shortest possible time and seize judicial authorities.Good visit to our site!Truly yours,

Artemis Irenäus von Baste.

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