FAQ : Galerie en ligne Art contemporain

On this page, your Internet Art gallery offers you precise answers to questions you may have about accessibility to the exhibition pages, the evolution of your personal page and the legal conditions in force.

Are professional artists the only ones able to exhibit in the online gallery?

The Internet Art gallery Les Koronin accepts any artist whose art it recognizes. To recognize Art means to be sensitive to the aesthetic form presented. The possession of an artistic diploma certainly informs you about your career, but we prefer a sincere dialogue with you, even if you are new to the art market. When you send your artistic file (photos or web page) to the online gallery, Artémis Irenäus and I study it carefully, as if we were visiting your art studio. No diploma, no preliminary experience in art gallery is therefore necessary..

I am not registered in the administrative register of artists, can I expose in the online gallery Les Koronin?

Our Web platform is above all an enlightened showcase of your Art, a way to make you known, not necessarily a point of sale. The Paypal Sales Module is added to your show page on your request. It is your responsibility to be in good standing with the URSSAF (Maison des artistes, France) or with the legislation in force in your country, in particular with that of l’Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération suisse for Swiss nationals, in order to know township by township the delimitation of what is or is not taxable.

Can I edit the information on my page?

Yes. Your page is evolutive. Just ask us for the changes by providing us with the appropriate information. We usually do them within 72 hours. However, we ask you to take care not to frequently multiply these changes, in particular concerning the prices of the exhibited works for two reasons:

  • Many buyers spot an artwork before placing an order. These price changes (including for a justification that you would think legitimate) blur the sales reading.
  • Too many changes, especially in the Paypal module, generates a lot of work for the online gallery. You may first be asked for a financial contribution
    How can I better help art collectors to find me?

    The artist’s worst fault is his silence, or his expectation that the art collector will come to him. The online gallery asks you to provide as often as possible your artistic news to regularly generate content to broadcast in the Blog.

    Who sets the price of the exhibited works?

    You! If the work of art is not a commodity (in terms of “manufactured product”) and its value is therefore difficult to quantify, you remain the only decision maker of the fixed price. This price is formal. It does not give rise to any reduction in favor of a buyer without your prior consent. You can ask us for an opinion on the price of your work, but our opinion is advisory.

    A sale through the online gallery is simple. It is done in three stages:

     It is done in three stages:

    • The buyer selects the chosen artwork and uses the Paypal payment module.
    • We send you the purchase order containing the payment and the postal address of the buyer. This is your sales contract with him. From that moment, you deal directly the sale with them.
    • It is your responsibility to ship the work sold to the collector in the best conditions to avoid any conflict.

    Important note: the online gallery is first a showcase of your art, the buyer can decide to contact you directly and ask you to make the sale by other means, at your convenience. Please keep us informed so that the artwork in question is listed as sold.

    Who pays the shipping cost of the work purchased?

    These costs are your responsibility. We strongly advise you to include them in the price of the work. Inquire beforehand with international carriers about the rates in force for the delivery of parcels.
    As stated in the previous answer, you can create any arrangement with the buyer to receive the artwork, for example in your workshop.

    Can a sold work be exhibited in the online gallery?

    Yes. Many works of art sold are still on display in the gallery. It is the choice of our painters and this favors the interest of some collectors..

    Another question

    If you have some more or another question please contact me personnaly. I do thank you.

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    Galerie en ligne d'Art Contemporain - Les Koronin
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