Would drugs develop creative abilities? 

I was studying at the National School of Fine Arts in Paris, Philippe was doing his at the Fine Arts in Lyon. Each time our teachers talked to us about Basquiat, Warhol and even Baudelaire, the surrealists or the followers of LSD trips and psychedelic art in the 1960s and 1970s. Does the drug develop creative abilities?

In December 2022, German psychologists – “Psycho, of Aesht., Crea., and the Art” analyzed eighty-four studies evaluating methods said to increase human creative capacity. The ability to create and generate works of art, whether paintings, sculpture, artistic performances, music.
According to these psychologists, the best method of artistic creativity is creative thinking, meditation and frequenting culture. Seeing the work of other artists, seeing other works of art, reading, listening, being interested, increases creativity.
According to these psychologists, drugs, alcohol, have no effect.

Artemis Irenäus

La galerie en ligne France Suisse ferme son site Internet en russe et s'ouvre à l'Ukraine.


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