Contemporary art and tapestry hanging on the wall.

How to tell you about Ana Lagidze? Where to start ? There’s so much to tell you!
Ana Lagidze joins your online gallery, she comes to us from Tbilisi,Georgia. She graduated from the Faculty of Felt, Textile -Design/Art, has a doctorate in architecture (Tbilisi State Technical University), and has written scientific publications such as “Stimulating the economy of the mountainous region of Western Georgia-Rachi-with the development of tourism Faculty of Architecture and Construction of AzerbaijanUniversity, Baku Azerbaijan Scientific publishing – International Conference Azerbaijan University ofArchitecture and Construction October 27-28, 2016.

During her research, Ana discovers that wool, felt is an ecological material. to use in Art in Fashion, it is very important. The last 7 years Ana has been working in textile design and it is unlimited technology. “During the work, the artist is like a sculptor – architect, from the wool the artist can create 3D works of art, and it is so interesting, pleasant… And first and the most important thing is traditional Georgian technology”.

Visit his page to learn more!

Do you want to buy a work by Ana Lagidze? Or contact our artist?
Write to us, we will put you in touch with her.


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