Paintings soon to be exhibited?

Our visual artist Philippe Moulin sends us three of his latest works.
Lately, Philippe Moulin has been quite present in Thailand in Phuket and, as previously announced, in Bangkok.

Among other things, Philippe Moulin received an invitation from his city of residence – Bandol – to exhibit from September 12 to October 3 in the municipal space dedicated to artists. The mayor wanted to put him in the spotlight so that the people of Bandol could meet him and see a large number of his works.

Of course, the Les Koronin online art gallery will keep you informed of all this Bandol news, with the date of the opening and address of Philippe’s exhibition, probably at Quai Charles de Gaulle – 83150 Bandol.

Below, three works by Philippe, acrylic and Pencil.

Philippe Moulin, artiste peintre à la galerie en ligne franco suisse les Koronin

Would you like to acquire a work by Philippe Moulin? Or contact our artist?
Write to us (at Artémis Irenäus), we will put you in touch with him.


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