Fabian Caro sends us the latest videos of his artistic work.
Fabian Caro‘s artistic work evokes Star Trek as much as the adventures of the famous Baron von Münchhausen (he tied his horse to a church spire, mounted a cannonball, got out of the swamp by the forelock and even traveled to the moon), or German legends and songs:
“Wenn ich an mein Bänklein knie,
Will ein bißchen beten,
Steht das bucklig’ Männlein da,
Fängt gleich an zu reden:
Liebes Kindlein ach, ich bitt’:
Bet fürs bucklig’ Männlein mit!”
Fabian is a friend.
Here are already two videos that introduce you to his world. I will publish two more at the end of August.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincerely yours