The online gallery is growing stronger, despite the pandemic.

This autumn, from Paris to Chur (Switzerland), all important meetings of the international art scene will be canceled one by one. Off for the salon
Art en Capital au Grand Palais, the same for FIAC international, the art galleries can no longer hold vernissages during the lockdown in Paris.
In Switzerland, attempts are being made to adapt the exhibitions to the situation. The sanitary protection measures are strengthened according to the OFSP requirements.

If it is currently not possible for us to visit your art studios, we will stay in touch thanks to the “social media”. The online gallery Franco-
-Suisse and her enthusiastic team welcome new artists- Alain Cabot (France), Pietro Asaro (Sicily), Gisela Kentmann (Germany), Philippe Moulin (Frank-
reich), Fabian Caro (Italy), Kendra Mesa Pineda (Cuba), Francoise Augustine …….

The websites of our artists keep growing with the publication of videos and it would be good if you gave us more information about yourself than ever
The more we talk about you, the better known you will be on the web. Two works were sold this week and Artemis will report on them in the next article.


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