Swiss Fashion Scene!! – Until13. February 2021

As always, the online gallery invites you to visit different museums, different expositions in France or Switzerland. Each of these excursions fulfills the purpose and the desire to take the majority of them with them to this cultural event. We invite you to use our professional knowledge to talk about different subjects, abstract art, sculptures … Take your chance!
In the end, the online gallery does not receive any money for its participants. The entrance to the museum, the transport, as well as the overnight stays (if it is necessary) are each chargeable and must be clarified with the relevant organisms.

In addition to the renowned textile industry, a lively fashion scene is flourishing in Switzerland, which is testing its potential far away from the fashion centers.

The exhibition juxtaposes her designs with the looks of defining labels from earlier decades. Fashion without mass production, without Hollywood and international fashion weeks? Far from the spotlight and dictation of the big fashion centers, a lively fashion scene is flourishing in Switzerland. In addition to well-known brands, small labels, collectives and young graduates are testing their potential. The exhibition presents a snapshot of the current scene and contrasts its designs with the looks of defining labels from earlier decades. Selected outfits and drawings, photographs and film clips, fabric innovations and fashion magazines can be seen.

The number of participants is limited. Register using the form….

The online art gallery france switzerland Les Koronin

Event information and date

Museum of Design Zurich
Expositionstrasse 60
8005 Zurich
+41 43 446 67 67

December 11, 2020 – April 10, 2021
Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat / 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wed / 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

A video from the Zurich museum (Museum für Gestaltung)


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