Yes Yes Yes….
When the online gallery was created, we had the intention to bring some friends together to exhibit our works of art, not necessarily to sell them, but simply to be present. We came from a Parisian art school with 26 years of tradition with high value teaching .
We thought of organizing art trips for drawings and painting between France and Switzerland. There were stays in Cote aux Fees, Baie de Sommme; later we went to Barcelona, Rome, Palermo to the Palazzo Federico; Manhatton for Isabelle. What an adventure! Then artists like you came and exhibited their work, and the gallery grew thanks to their artistic and human wealth. The Swiss foundations and museums made it possible for us, in agreement with the tourist office, to present our gallery. Again: Thanks to “Heidi”.
Far from having the obligations of a representational gallery, the Franco-Suisse online gallery has no website limitations. The gallery doesn’t force you to display a certain number of works. She increases her strategy, regularly shows her new works and announces her exhibition dates. An information table is now available on your website to show you artistic innovations. You just have to send us new ones to replenish them.
Artemis Irenäus (Swiss team)