1st projection for a good start.

On 14 September 2024, our online art gallery represented five artists at the Château du Bois la Croix in Pontault-Combault, near Paris. The château dates back to the 19th century and was once owned by the journalist George Ohnet and later by the Morane family of aircraft manufacturers. It is now run by the VABLC association.

This presentation of works by MarieIsabelle, Isabelle Morin, Patrick Boussignac, Nicole Wauters and Romain Gillet was presented in the form of a video in one of the lounges on the first floor. It lasted from 10am to 5.30pm, without interruption, and welcomed around a hundred art lovers. I wasn’t counting exactly, to be honest. But between 10am and 11.30am, and from 3pm onwards, the place was packed.

A buffet had been set up on the château’s terrace, and a cocktail party to say thank you brought the day to a close. I’d like to thank the whole VABLC team for organising this event, and as I’m the one who chooses the photos to illustrate this article, I’ve chosen to show you some of our Philippe, who is so discreet, but who works so hard for the art gallery.

Natascha – Team Switzerland.


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