The online art gallery and the wind.
Fabian roman Caro was one of the first artists to join the art gallery. And we immediately loved his artistic work, because Fabian Caro never ceases to surprise us.
As Artemis Irenaeus wrote to him (they both have a correspondence), there is Baron von Münchhausen, Georges Méliès, Prévert and Borg from Star Trek in his artwork, and the amazement immediately turns into a real desire to delve deeper and deeper into this world.
There is a gallery of fantastic beings hidden there.
There are robot gods, strange metal sprouts and other mythical creatures that emerge from the surrealist exercise that connects the subconscious with matter. It is a kind of gathering of poetic characters who tell us about themselves and about us, who have a story and help us to construct our own. These people, because they are people, perhaps live at night when we sleep. The night is the life of living beings, the night is the life of things. Of these people. Who knows if they are not telling us that it is our technological and human destiny to become like them?
Fabian Roman Caro, friend and sculptor, “Vento”, Esmaltada ceramics, 70/35/35 cm.
Are you an artist in one of the fine arts (fine art painting, sculpture, engraving, drawing, fine art photography….)? Would you like to benefit from our Swiss and French showcase, open to the world 24 hours a day?
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