As I told you in my two previous articles (Extension of your subscription contracts / The website boosted to the new Google standard), the activity of the online art gallery does not decline, it is changing and growing. adapts to this health and economic crisis.
It is obvious that while the Art market for large auction houses now operates much more through Internet auctions – many fairs and shows are canceled for 2020 – the online art gallery market must also respond effectively to the new instructions set by the competent authorities of each nation.
For example, currently, sending works of art between the Shengen area and Russia by conventional postal channels is utopian and this, as long as international traffic is not fully restored.
Since Switzerland is part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA, also called EFTA – Europäische Freihandelsassoziation), our exchanges continue actively between the Swiss Confederation (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft) and France.
Artemis Irenäus